Bladeless Wind Turbine Jiggles to Make Power

The wind can generate electricity which most part involves turbines with traditional blades. Those big and slow airplane-propeller-shaped rotating blades that are great backdrop for a helicopter chase in action movie scene, and the leading man stopped and noticed a flying broom silhouette. Spanish company Vortex has recently come up with the first and new innovation for the wind turbines using a bladeless pole design that produce power by shaking.

Can occupy less real state with vertical poles extending out of the ground, it is thinner than a traditional wind turbine without any blade but will definitely generate more electricity while covering less space and easement for repair or for selfie-interest tourist.

How does it generate power? Simply by jiggling. The jiggle motion is actually based on a interesting branch of physics called aeroelasticity which an interactions occur between the inertial and aerodynamic forces in elastic body is exposed to a fluid flow. The bladeless design actually captures energy of aeroelastic flutter and uses its magnified vibrations to create power even with weak wind.

The narrative example of wild aeroelasticity occurred to the Tacoma Narrows Bridge in Washington state when strong wind vibrated the suspension bridge until it fell down to its destruction in 1940. Vortex said its design is 40% cheaper than the conventional turbine which require expensive blades to operate and repair.


Anonymous said...

Where to buy?

Fred said...

Visit their site for details: